Stories & Adventures


Why do they wrap a napkin around my beer in the Philippines?

I'll explain the purpose of the napkin wrapped around your San Miguel Pale Pilsen.
Overstay Road YouTube Channel

Bullshit Reality Shows – This Episode Wins BS Award of the Year.

I'll never be able to watch anything on the Discovery Channel again. Ever. This episode of Game of Stones just won the Bullshit Award of the year.

Compassion is Lost. How My $28 USD per Month Beach Condo Turned Me Into...

I need to have a heart to heart talk with you about compassion.

Disaster & Success at the Bikini Contest Broadcast – How to Screw Up a...

Folks, I know the live stream video quality at the Bikini Contest last Saturday was not good. Give me a few minutes to explain what went wrong with the technical side of the live broadcast.

Why I Had To Leave My Hotel Room in the Philippines

Let me show you around one of my favorite little hotels in Angeles City. I'll explain the importance of keeping the buckets in the CR filled.

The Conspiracy Theory About My Watch & the Two Islands I Thought About Buying

I'll discuss my secret agent Timex watch and the conspiracy theories circulating around the Internet.

Demolition Crew in the Philippines

This department store in Cebu City burned down several months ago. Here's a look at demolition techniques in the Philippines.

Dude, You’re As Primitive As A Cave Man – Gold Medal Comment of the...

This comment had me laughing for an hour. Apparently, some of you think that my beach condo is a "shit pit".

Took Me 3 Days to Upload One Video

It's hard to run a YouTube channel off the Internet from your cell phone. It took me three days to upload one video.

Picnic at the Beach – Two Minutes From My $28 Per Month Condo in...

I made some pork and we had a nice picnic on the beach while the sun set. It's only a two-minute walk from our condo.