Stories & Adventures


Beer Run in the Stroller

I’m Out of Beer and Filipina Wife #1 Claims She Has NO MONEY! There’s...

Fatima committed an egregious offense against the good order of the Kingdom this morning. She let the King run out of beer!

3-Hour Pump Boat Tour on Subic Bay

Join us as we charter a pump boat and cruise to one of my island castles guarding the waters of Barrio Barretto.

Riding a Motorbike in Southeast Asia? Wear a Real Helmet.

Listen to my philosophy on what type of helmet you should wear while riding a motorbike or motorcycle.
Sriracha Tiger Zoo Thailand

Elephants and Tigers and Crocodiles, Oh My!

I took Filipina Wife #1 and Forrest G. to the tiger zoo in Sriracha, Thailand. We rode an elephant, fed a baby tiger, and watched the shows.

Baby’s First Guitar Lesson Didn’t Go So Well

I tried to teach Forrest G. how to play a few chords on the old guitar to the tune of Sweet Child O' Mine. He ended up busting his head.

I Rode 220 Volts of Lightning for 5 Seconds by Doing Something Stupid. I’m...

I damn near got electrocuted about two weeks ago. Here's how it went down.

Flying from Manila to Bangkok with a Baby

We took Forrest G. on his first airplane ride and international trip. Here's a look at our journey from Manila to Bangkok.

Homemade Jeep Owner Types in the Philippines for Sale at Firebird Display Center in...

Homemade Jeeps here in the Philippines are called Owners or Owner Types. They're made by hand from surplus parts.

Filipina Wife #1 is PISSED OFF! She found out I spent her Piggy...

Fatima had no idea I spent her Piggy Bank money at the bar. Watch her reaction while she catches the PREMIERE of the video showing what happened to her beloved coins.

Friday Night Stroll in Barrio Barretto

My Old Lady #1 wanted some Fettucine Alfredo so I took a stroll over to Sit-N-Bull Restaurant.