Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor’s Duffle Bag – Best 3-Day Luggage Set?

Looking for a good, dependable 3-day or overnight luggage set? The Saddleback Leather Flight Bag paired with their Doctor’s Duffle is a combination ready for travel. I’ve been carrying Saddleback Leather gear for over 10 years now. I got my Thin Briefcase back in 2015 and it’s still like brand new. These 3 bags together are now my current (2025) pack plan for world travel. I passed my Indiana Gear Bag on to my son and my best friend currently has my Classic Briefcase. I create a new family heirloom every time I get my hands on a Saddleback Leather bag.

Hey up front, I make a commission if you buy one of these products through my affiliate links. But, I’m the world’s worst salesman. I don’t know anything about sales. I just like to promote products that I actually use and have experience with so I know you’re getting a good deal. Plus, these bags sell themselves. If you watch any of my videos over the past decade, there’s a good chance you’ll see a bag from Saddleback somewhere in the footage.

Saddleback Leather Flight Bag Tobacco Doctor's Duffle BagTop 5 Reasons To Buy A Saddleback Leather Bag

  1. These bags will never end up in a landfill, which is good for our planet. Bags made from cheap, synthetic materials often end up in the trash after a few months of use. Since you have to go buy another one, it perpetuates the cycle of fast fashion. This practice obviously leads to a negative impact on our environment due to the effects of mass production. It’s much better to buy quality products which means we buy less and buy less often. If we’re truly concerned with our environment, this is the model we need to return to.
  2. The bags will last longer than you. Therefore, you’re creating a cherished family heirloom that your kids will probably fight over when you die. The winner will carry the bag another 20 years or so before it gets passed down to the next generation. The following video is perhaps the most compelling advertisement of why you should purchase a Saddleback product. I think the folks at Chamberlain’s Leather Milk actually produced it, but I’m not sure. Either way, it’s classic and worth watching. You might actually shed a tear.

  3. The bags come with a 100-Year Warranty! In over 10 years of owning these bags, I’ve never had to even think about sending an item in for repair and probably never will. They’re build like tanks. But, it’s good to know that Saddleback will fix my bags should anything need some attention.
  4. The bags are works of art. You’ll find yourself just looking at the bag like you’re staring at the Mona Lisa. It will lower your blood pressure. You’ll want to display these bags in your living room where family and friends can see them. They won’t spend much time concealed in your closet.
  5. The bag makes a statement. I noticed over the past 10 years that often I would end up with an exit-row seat without even asking for it. At first I thought it was because of my good looks. I became convinced that it was because of my Saddleback Leather bags. They make me look like a celebrity, professional, famous, a politician, royalty? The folks working the ticket counter at least think I’m someone trustworthy and more responsible than the usual smelly backpacker who just showed up from a night of partying. I can’t be sure.
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Doctor’s Duffle Has Outside Pockets On Both Ends
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Both Bags Have a Single Divider On The Inside
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Doctor’s Leather Duffle Bag in Tobacco • Thin Briefcase in Carbon Black (10-Year-Old Bag) • Flight Bag in Tobacco
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Gladstone Openings Just Like In The Good Ol’ Days
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Shoulder Straps Are Heavy Duty
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
These 2 Bags Have The Perfect Symmetry For Some Reason
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Buckle All Three Straps On The Doctor’s Duffle Bag For Full Security
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Stow The 2 Outside Straps On The Doctor’s Duffle Bag When Added Security Is Not Needed. Just Use The Main Strap.
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Straps Have Heavy-Duty Dog Leash Attachments For Easy On and Easy Off.
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Gladstone Openings Allow The Bags To Stay Open and Sit Upright For Easy Access To Gear.

Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?

My World-Travel Pack Plan

Let me explain my pack plan as it pertains to flying on commercial aircraft. It’s designed with security and weight limits in mind. It’s common sense but if you stick to these principles you will minimize the amount of money and time you’ll lose if your luggage is lost or stolen.

On My Person – Very Sensitive Items (Passport, ID’s, Primary Credit & Bank Cards, Cash)

Thin Briefcase (Personal Item) – Sensitive documents & items that are very difficult and time consuming to replace if lost or stolen (ID Documents, hard drives, USD drives, keys, iPhone, Proof of Onward Departure Ticket, Visa Documents).

Flight Bag (Carry On) – Contains gear that’s expensive but very easy to replace if lost or stolen, such as laptops, iPads, and small cameras.

Doctor’s Duffle Bag (Checked Bag) – Contains clothes and heavy gear that’s inexpensive and very easy to replace if lost or stolen.

The Flight Bag will serve as my computer and tech bag. Let’s all face it, these days we have to dedicate one meaty bag for laptops, iPads, chargers, and gadgets, etc. Most of these items have to be carried on board the aircraft so we’re not putting batteries down in the cargo hold. As a filmmaker and content creator, I’m always carrying too much weight in the form of batteries and computer gear that can’t be checked. Therefore, I have to come up with creative ways to get past the check-in counter with my carry-on bags.

Here in Southeast Asia they will weigh your carry-on bag pretty routinely, especially on the budget carriers. When I go to check in, I usually transfer the laptops and iPads to my Thin Briefcase and claim that to be a personal item. I’ll sling it behind me so it’s out of sight and out of mind. I’ll hang my Sony FX3 from my neck like I’m a good tourist. I’ll let them weigh my stripped-down carry on. Usually, the airlines never ask to weigh my personal item, so it’s how I beat the system. In reality, that Thin Briefcase and every one of my pockets are loaded down HEAVY with batteries.

Once I get checked in, I can transfer everything back into the Flight Bag. My Thin Briefcase goes back to being a satchel of sorts that contains all of my sensitive gear (Extra ID documents, hard drives, keys, iPhone). I never take this bag off of my person until I sit down on the aircraft. It contains the important stuff that’s a pain to replace. The Flight Bag contains expensive gear, but nothing sensitive. Computers and batteries can be replaced and aren’t worth fighting someone over.

For example, when you hit the VIP lounge, you have to fix your own plate. You really don’t have a choice but to leave your heavy bag at a table and go hit the salad bar. You won’t be able to maintain 100% eyes-on security of this bag. Therefore, it shouldn’t contain anything sensitive. All of the sensitive items are in the Thin Briefcase that I’m wearing while browsing the selection of ice cream and cakes. The probability of someone snatching your bag in the VIP lounge is extremely low, I’ll admit. But any bag I have to take my eyes off of for 1 second isn’t going to contain any item that I’d cry over if the bag gets stolen. If you stick to this setup and don’t violate any of my principles, you’ll have less stress while traveling.

If someone steals my laptop, I can order a new one in about 3 minutes online. I won’t be happy but it will not disrupt my operations for more than a few days. If someone steals my passport I’m out money on hotel rooms next to the embassy, stress, and potentially days, if not a week trying to get it replaced.

The Doctor’s Leather Duffle Bag will serve as my checked bag. It will contain my clothes and any heavy gear. The contents are of less value and low concern in case of theft. If the bag gets stolen, the bag itself would be the biggest loss.

That’s my minimalistic pack plan. This combination of bags can accommodate enough gear for an overnight trip, 3 days, or 3 months. The problem I see with most travelers, especially the ones to Southeast Asia is that they pack WAY too much gear. I’ll see people carrying backpacks so tall that you can’t see their head or body from the back. They’re carrying enough gear to climb Mount Everest when in reality they are only going to lounge around at the beach and sit on a bar stool. I’ll see folks trying to drag huge suitcases on and off the Baht buses by themselves. If you want to enjoy traveling, you have to pack light. The size of these bags can hold enough gear to sustain life, but not enough to where you’re overloaded.

If I leave the Thin Briefcase at home, I could use the Doctor’s Duffle Bag as my carry on and the Flight Bag as my personal item. That’s probably how most folks will use them while flying. It’s just that usually I get one checked bag for free because I don’t fly on budget carriers anymore. I might as well let the ramp rats deal with my heaviest gear.

Saddleback Leather Flight Bag Leather Briefcase

The Flight Bag came out a few years ago and I’d have to guess that it’s probably become one of their top sellers? I can’t be sure but it just seems to be the perfect size for most people. It’s fits in between the smaller Thin Briefcase (minimal) and the larger Classic Briefcase (holds a lot of gear).

The biggest advantage to the Flight Bag and the Doctor’s Duffle is the Gladstone opening. It means that the bag will stay open while sitting upright to where you can easily access items. They’re like the bags airline pilots use. You can sit them in between the seats and work out of them.

The two front pockets have buckles for security. You can also store items in the open area behind the front pockets. My iPhone 16 fits perfectly behind the pockets as does my wallet or passport. When transiting the ticket counter, immigration, and customs, you can easily stow and quickly retrieve your passport and boarding pass from behind the front pockets. Once clear of immigration, it’s smart to secure these items on your person or inside the bag.

Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Unboxing the Flight Bag
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Side View of Gladstone Closure
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Back Outside Pocket Of The Flight Bag. I Use This for Documents.
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
Flight Bag Has 2 Outside Pockets That Buckle.
Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?
You Can Tuck Items Behind The Front Pockets For Quick Access Such As Your Cell Phone And Passport.

Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set? Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set? Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set? Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set? Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set? Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set? Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set? Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set? Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set? Saddleback Leather Flight Bag & Doctor's Duffle Bag - Best 3-Day Luggage Set?

Security Features

The leather straps that fit into the buckles are stiff when you first receive the bag. Once the straps get broke in and you get used to opening and closing the buckles, you can do it one handed. Any potential thieves are not proficient at opening and closing the buckles because it takes a few tries to get the hang of it. Most would have to use two hands which would cost too much time and bring unwanted attention to themselves vs. quickly opening and closing a zipper to steal items. There are no zippers on these bags.

The shoulder straps are sturdy! On both ends are dog-leash-type attachments so you can quickly and easily remove the straps. I use these straps for security when I’m sitting in a restaurant, bus station, bar, or anywhere potential snatch-and-grab thieves are operating. I take one end of the strap off the bag, wrap it around a table leg, and re-connect it. It takes about 5 seconds as you can see in the video. If anyone tries to snatch the bag and run, they’ll be dragging a table and my lunch behind them. If you’re going to visit Paris or Rome, everyone loves to drink coffee or wine at the little sidewalk cafes. Leave your bag or purse anywhere in plain view and it’s a target for thieves.

The Flight Bag has a security feature where you can hide your passport and some cash. The bottom of the bag has a thin flap that lifts up. It’s a good place to store extra cash in case your room doesn’t have a safe. A nosy maid ain’t going to realize there’s a hidden locker when she’s exploring your belongings while you lounge at the pool.

Best Overnight Luggage Set Saddleback Leather Flight Bag Tobacco

Saddleback Leather Doctor’s Leather Duffle Bag in Tobacco

The Doctor’s Leather Duffle Bag is the perfect size for my minimalistic pack plan. I usually pack 3 t-shirts, 3 pair of underwear, one pair of shorts, one bathing suit, a pair of flip flops, a light hoodie, and 3 pair of socks. When I’m in travel mode, I’ll wear long pants, a t-shirt, a long-sleeved button up, running shoes, and a vest. That’s enough clothing to sustain life indefinitely for me. Again, folks always pack WAY too much. All the heavy chargers and cables I’m dragging will go into the bag as well.

Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
Opening Tabs and Logo of Blue On The Doctor’s Duffle Bag
Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
Just Tuck The 2 Outside Straps Into The Back Pocket When Not Needed
Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
Divider Inside The Doctor’s Duffle Bag
Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
Bottom View of Doctor’s Duffle Bag. The Straps Go All The Way Around The Bag.
Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
Back of the Doctor’s Leather Duffle Bag
Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
Front Of The Doctor’s Leather Duffle Bag
Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
Top View Of The Doctor’s Leather Duffle Bag With The Straps Buckled
Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
Top View Of The Doctor’s Leather Duffle Bag
Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
Inside Pocket Of The Doctor’s Leather Duffle Bag
Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
Closeup Look At The Gladstone Closure
Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
Each Side Of The Doctor’s Leather Duffle Bag Has 4 Tie Down Points
Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
Side Pocket On The Doctor’s Leather Duffle Bag
Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco
The Stitching On The Bag Is Gorgeous

Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco

Saddleback Leather Doctor's Leather Duffle Bag Tobacco

It’s A Hard Decision When Choosing a Color!

I wrote this section years ago. It still applies so I’m recycling it from previous reviews I’ve written over the past 10 years.

Oh no! Now that you’ve settled on getting the set (thanks to my expert advice), you have to pick a color before you can place the order! You need to get this right the first time.

Check out the FAQ section to see what Saddleback has to say about color selection. It’s worth the read.

I wrote several paragraphs on the psychology of the colors in my review of the Thin Briefcase. The colors were slightly different back then but the reasoning still applies. Read those tidbits of knowledge and then come back here…

Ok, so Saddleback has changed the colors a bit since I wrote the Thin Briefcase review. They no longer offer the Carbon Black. That’s an absolute travesty if you ask me. The Carbon Black is an awesome color. The scars and scratches look beautiful on it. I LOVE the Carbon Black. It’s a dull, matte color, sort of like the saddlebags you find on Harley-Davidson motorcycles. It screams cool.

The new black is more of a shiny, traditional color. It’s boring. It’s ok if you’re looking for a black briefcase, but realize there’s just nothing special about it. It’s plain and cookie cutter. I have an iPhone case in the new black and I’m not that impressed. Unless your company requires you to carry a black briefcase, the new black color would be last on my list.

From left to right in the photo below is the new Black color, Dark Coffee Brown, Chestnut, and then Tobacco.

Saddleback Leather Color Compairson

Here’s a quick guide on choosing a color:

Tobacco Color:

  • Artists and the creative type
  • People who work outdoors
  • Folks who wear boots to work
  • Adventure and world travelers
  • College professors who teach history or archaeology
  • Photographers
  • Those who love Indiana Jones

Dark Coffee Brown:

  • The high-end traveler (rich folks)
  • Those who stay at 5-star hotels
  • Travelers focusing on Europe
  • If you live in Hollywood, California or NYC
  • Those in the fashion industry
  • If you loved that movie The Devil Wears Prada


  • Lawyers
  • Bankers
  • Accountants
  • Venture Capitalists
  • If you liked that movie The Wolf of Wall Street

The New Black Color:

  • Military folks who are required to carry a black briefcase by policy
  • If you work at IBM and the year is 1980

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Maybe all of that information has put you into another state of analysis paralysis.

Just pick the color that you like and go with it. Don’t listen to me or anyone else. It’s your bag.

However, if you still can’t decide on the right color, I won’t leave you hanging. Let me help you out so you can finally place your order and get the show on the road:


Let me throw out a disclaimer here about the Tobacco color so you’re not surprised. Apparently, (over the years) there have been several different shades of Tobacco floating around the Saddleback factory. When I say different shades, I mean it’s almost a different color from bag to bag. I ordered a Classic Briefcase, a Clutch Purse, and a Satchel Purse, all in Tobacco. They are literally three different colors. All are beautiful, but they are not exactly alike. When I opened my Classic Briefcase, I thought they had sent me a Chestnut bag by mistake. When the light hits it a certain way, it takes on a reddish tint. The other Tobacco products don’t do that.

I had to check the Saddleback site to confirm this was in fact, the Tobacco color. It is, and is almost identical to the Limited Edition Small Briefcase in the photo below. Regardless, I like it. Hey, the only thing certain in this world is change. Roll with it.

The Flight Bag and Doctor’s Leather Duffle bag I just received are pretty much identical in their shades of Tobacco.

Saddleback Leather Small Briefcase Limited Edition

Here’s a photo of the Tobacco color on the Clutch Purse:

Saddleback Leather Clutch Purse Medium Tobacco Review Women Ladies Outdoors Travel

Here’s the Tobacco color on the Satchel Purse:

Saddleback Leather Satchel Purse Tobacco

Here’s a quick comparison of the Tobacco Brown color on an iPhone case I’ve had since 2014, next to my new Classic Briefcase in Tobacco. The logo has changed as well.

Saddleback Leather Classic Briefcase - Large - Tobacco - The Most Interesting Travel Bag - Color Difference with Old Tobacco Brown

What I like about these bags is that each one is slightly unique. They’re not mass produced in China where they are exact-match, cookie-cutter clones. If your bag comes with a slightly different shade of leather, that’s great! If it has a scar or two, that’s just the beginning of it’s character. Scars tell a story. They’re like tattoos on the bag.

Order Different Colors and Mix It Up!

Just because I think the Flight Bag and Doctor’s Duffle bag make a great pair, there’s no law that says you have to order the same color. Mix it up a bit. While these two bags are in Tobacco, my next bag will be in Dark Coffee Brown. Life is too short to do the same thing over and over. Variety is the spice of life.

More Saddleback Leather Reviews

Be sure to check out these reviews as well: