Why You Should Learn to Not Give a Fuck
Here's my two cents on why you should learn how to NOT give a fuck about negativity and bullshit.
When Travel Becomes Meaningless
I’ve been aimlessly roaming the world for years now with no real objective or long-term goal. I've got a new focus now.
Going on a Spiritual Journey. What Does that Mean to You?
I’ve embarked on a spiritual journey to climb Mr. Everest before I die. It’s an adventure that could take two decades or more to complete.
Don’t Worry About Dying
My dad has a great philosophy about death. It goes something like this: Don't worry about dying...
Hater + Troll Rehab Program – $50 Per Month
If you're lonely and find yourself begging for attention by leaving negative and nasty comments on social media, you may be a troll.
Who the Hell is Alex Jones? Am I Missing Something Here?
I’ve heard of the guy. But, I have no idea why he’s popular or why his ass got banned from social media. Someone explain it to me.
We Need a World Ban On Single-Use Plastic. Right Now.
Single-use plastic is fucking up our oceans. Drastic times call for drastic measures. It's time for a world ban on single-use plastic.
The Sound of Nostalgia? It’s a Coca-Cola Bottle Cap Hitting the Pile
The sound of nostalgia is when you open a bottle of Coca-Cola and hear the bottle cap hit the pile below. It brings you back to the good old days in America.
Trade Your Cubicle for a Hammock & Get to WORK!
If you have some online skills or the ability to telecommute to your current job, trade your cubicle for a hammock.