Filipinas Cook the PURPLE NASTY & How to Prevent Geckos from Crapping on Your Toothbrush

Our new charcoal chimney arrived today from Lazada. The ladies were impressed with how it works. I told them it was magic.

All morning, Filipina Wife #1 eluded to the fact that we had no chicken to cook so I should just go to one of our favorite restaurants and eat. It was a delicious idea for me, but I knew something was up. I smelled a rat. Unfortunately, the rat I smelled would turn out to be worse than any dead rat you’ve ever come across. They were trying to get rid of me so they could cook up a batch of PURPLE NASTY (alamang). It’s the Filipino version of shrimp paste. This version is not even close to the shrimp paste you get in Thailand.

I’ll give you a look at the PURPLE NASTY and how Ms. Marissa prepared it. I’ll also give you a block of instruction on how to keep house lizards (geckos) from taking a dump on your toothbrush.

This film is Rated PG-13 for a few colloquial words. It’s about 38 minutes long.