Filipina Wife SWEATS Over The Barbecue Grill But Foreign Husband Actually Does ALL The...
Fatima is grilling pork and chicken on the barbecue grill. I man the Sony FX3. Who's really got the hard job?
Filipina Wife Can’t Ride In Air-Conditioned Vehicles Again?
Since we moved to the province, Fatima hasn't ridden in too many aircon vehicles. For the past 10 months, we've mostly taken trikes everywhere we go.
Philippines Lifestyle – 5 Hours on the Non-Aircon Bus
I couldn't renew my visa on immigration's website. We saddled up and rolled down to Cebu City on the non-aircon bus.
Philippines Lifestyle – Maria’s Kindergarten Graduation!
Maria graduated Kindergarten! It's hard to believe she'll be in the 1st grade next year. These babies are growing up way too fast.
Windy Day At The Beach, Forrest G. Loves The Waves, and Filipinas Bring TOO...
Join us for a day at the beach, my friends. It was windy, wavy, and cool because it rained the night before.
Ran Out Of Gas While Filipina Wife Was Cooking Spaghetti! How Much Is Gas...
Fatima almost had the spaghetti finished when we ran out of gas. We rolled out on an emergency resupply mission.
3 Minutes of Discussing Who Keeps Breaking The Barbie Dolls
Yesterday, one of Barbie's legs was in the CR. Today, her arms are missing. Who keeps breaking the Barbie Dolls?
Sadly, Our Lone Palm Tree Had To Be Removed.
Our landlord decided to remove a tree in front of the crib because multiple overhead wires were in danger.
In Case of Emergency, BRING SARDINES! Searching For A Private Beach In The Philippines
It was so hot outside that we packed a backpack full of emergency survival equipment and rations. I was carrying at least 15 kilos.