Visions in Color. Dreams in Black and White.
Do you dream in color or black and white?
I’m at a Crossroads
It's time to make some hard decisions, my friends. I'm thinking it may be time to start writing a new chapter in this short book we call life.
The Road Trip is Over. Here’s What I Observed After Visiting 19 Different States.
I've been here in the U.S. for about a month after living as an expat for years. These are just a few observations that come to mind after going on my cross-country road trip.
Gathering Farm Fresh Eggs
We've got to build some more boxes for these hens. They're laying so many eggs we can't keep up with them.
Going for a Run – Time to Shed Some Lockdown Fat
The pounds have crept up on my old ass.
Riding in the Kubota and Enjoying the Sunset
A fresh rain turned the dirt into grease. We made it just in time to catch a beautiful sunset.
Why The News Reports Are So Crazy These Days
Yes, the world has gone mad. However, the major media outlets are sensationalizing world events at a new level.
I Had to Send.a Few Subscribers to the Asshole Corral
I certainly hope that one day these individuals will find happiness.
Time to Head East
I had to say goodbye to California and the West Coast.