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Do you dream in color or black and white?

Visions in Color. Dreams in Black and White.

Do you dream in color or black and white?
I'm at a Crossroads

I’m at a Crossroads

It's time to make some hard decisions, my friends. I'm thinking it may be time to start writing a new chapter in this short book we call life.
The Road Trip is Over. Here's What I Observed After Visiting 19 Different States.

The Road Trip is Over. Here’s What I Observed After Visiting 19 Different States.

I've been here in the U.S. for about a month after living as an expat for years. These are just a few observations that come to mind after going on my cross-country road trip.
Gathering Farm Fresh Eggs

Gathering Farm Fresh Eggs

We've got to build some more boxes for these hens. They're laying so many eggs we can't keep up with them.
Going for a Run - Time to Shed Some Lockdown Fat

Going for a Run – Time to Shed Some Lockdown Fat

The pounds have crept up on my old ass.

Riding in the Kubota and Enjoying the Sunset

A fresh rain turned the dirt into grease. We made it just in time to catch a beautiful sunset.
Why The News Reports Are So Crazy These Days

Why The News Reports Are So Crazy These Days

Yes, the world has gone mad. However, the major media outlets are sensationalizing world events at a new level.
I Had to Send.a Few Subscribers to the Asshole Corral

I Had to Send.a Few Subscribers to the Asshole Corral

I certainly hope that one day these individuals will find happiness.

Time to Head East

I had to say goodbye to California and the West Coast.