Had to roll out in the Lamborghini.
Walk to Barrio Barretto and the View from BarCelona
Let's go for a walk, my friends.
I Don’t Want a Funeral. Here’s Why…
Funerals cost money and they're depressing. I've decided that I do not want a funeral.
The Duck Farm #Failed – PLUS BONUS FOOTAGE of #Filipina Wife #1 Expressing Words...
The duck eggs are past their due date to hatch. Something apparently went wrong with the homemade incubator.
Top 3 Reasons Why I Need a Samurai Sword
I just got to thinking that maybe, just maybe, I need to buy a #Samurai #sword. I eventually came up withe 3 valid reasons why I need to buy myself one.
$5 USD Per Month Gas Bill – Cost of Living in the Philippines
Our LPG tank ran out this morning so we had to get a new one. The 11 kilogram tank cost us 645 PHP which is about $13.28 USD.
That Chicken Ain’t Done
I fired up the old barbecue grill and went to work on some chicken for supper.
BEST YouTube Livestream Studio – How to Set Up your Livestreams the EASY Way
Trying to figure out how to set up a YouTube livestream studio? You're probably making things WAY too complicated and WAY too expensive.
Barrio Barretto Walking Tour and UPDATE #Philippines #SubicBay
Join me for a one and a half hour walking tour of Barrio Barretto from the Matain River, to the hospital, and back.