I’m excited about two things.
First, I had the pleasure of spending an incredible day on the water in Abu Dhabi with some really nice people.
Second, I got to try out my new Sony RX100 MK V camera.
A Chance Invitation
To make a long story short, I was in the right place at the right time. I accidentally got invited to hang out with some local guys for a day of fishing in Abu Dhabi.
Now, the image that went through my mind was that of a fishing trip. You know, going out on a small, center-console boat with a few fishing poles, some bait, and a cooler.
I was ready for a day of angling, baiting hooks, and playing the waiting game.
It didn’t exactly go down like that.
How the Day Started
We met our friends at the marina next to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
While waiting for our ride, a Dhow sailing boat passed by, heading for Saadiyat Island. The Dhow sailing race was about to kick off. The race was scheduled to start at Saadiyat Island and end at the Corniche.

A few minutes after the Dhow passed by, two center-console fishing boats pulled up to the dock.
Ok, exactly what I was expecting.
VIP Fishing Trip
Instead of heading to the fishing grounds, our hosts took us over to a trio of houseboats tied together in shallow water. The houseboats were more like super yachts, sitting on a sea of clear turquoise.

The views were stellar in all directions!
My idea of a low-key fishing trip went out the window. We were suddenly in the VIP section of the ocean!

I felt like I was on an episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. I kept thinking that in my case, it was more like Lifestyles of the Broke and Infamous, Who Have Rich Friends.
Our view from the front of the houseboats overlooked the Abu Dhabi Presidential Palace. You couldn’t ask for a more serene and awe-inspiring sight. The Presidential Palace is such a unique place to see.

Sight Seeing
After a nice breakfast, we headed out on a sight-seeing tour of the area.
If you’re visiting Abu Dhabi, I highly recommend you charter a small boat and visit the same areas you see in the images below. You’ll end up with some great photos to post on Instagram or Facebook.
Unfortunately, I can’t recommend a tour company right now because I went with local folks. I’ll work on getting some information about boats for hire and update this page in the near future.

In addition to taking great photos of the architecture and landscape, we got to see a huge stingray skimming along the bottom. We also were entertained by a playful dolphin for a while.

Lunch was a spread of local cuisine and fresh fish. While we were out sight-seeing, others had hauled in a nice catch and cooked them up.
The food was so good that I probably gained two kilos.

Special Thanks
I’d like to extend a special thanks to my new friends in Abu Dhabi for inviting me to hang out for the day. It was a wonderful experience with memories I’ll never forget. You have a beautiful country with the nicest people and a culture of extraordinary hospitality. I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Sony RX100 V
Be sure to check out my upcoming article on the Sony RX100 V – What I Learned During the First Day of Shooting. It’s a great camera and so far I love it.
I purchased my Sony RX100 V at Sharaf DG in Abu Dhabi Mall for 3,999 AED ($1,090 USD) but you can find it on Amazon for $998 USD.