Here’s a collage of 13 random video clips put together to paint a picture of our life here in the Philippines.
If I get time, I’ll add the time stamps, but here are the topics:
- 1: Fresh Corn and Bootleg M.C. Hammer Tapes
- 2. Squealing Like a Pig Rice Cooker
- 3. Filipina Wife #1 Eats My Fish Bait (Minnows)
- 4. Microphone Test Interview of Wife #1
- 5. Garbage Man Riding Shotgun
- 6. Filipinas Can Sleep Anywhere
- 7. Evening Walk by the Mountain
- 8. Tour of a $62 USD Per Month Apartment
- 9. 2 Beautiful Filipinas
- 10. Wash Board Demonstration
- 11. Videoke Machine Demonstration
- 12. “Babysitting”
- 13. Forrest G.’s Hot Tub and Swimming Pool