We have upgraded our barbecue grill since we all agreed every meal will now be over charcoal. I got a good deal on hamburger meat up at the Waltermart in Subic and decided to THROW DOWN some good food for the ladies. Out of the blue, Filipina Wife #1 informed me that she had a chicken hiding out in the refrigerator. It smelled like three-day old road kill. She insisted it was OK so I barbecued that chicken under protest. I called it SMOKED MANOK. I’ll also demonstrate how to make a homemade charcoal chimney out of a pineapple juice can.
This video is Rated PG-13 for colloquial language, my drinking of beer and whiskey, and because I was smoking a cigar like the devil himself. It was filmed in 1080P at 60 frames per second on my old Sony Camcorder. It’s about 56 minutes long.